Home office, closed gyms and sports centers, non-stop snacking and increasing stress. Sounds familiar? Well, this is a challenging time for all of us, but there are a few things we can do to make it a little easier. Such as home workouts, for which there are thousands of variations online for all levels, interest, pace, and length of free time.
We have now collected 15 from the most popular ones.
1. Full-Body Cardio Challenge

There are numerous options ranging from 10 minutes to one and a half hours of training, choose the most suitable one according to your fitness level and how much free time you have. If you’re a beginner, it’s worth joining a one-month challenge and starting at the base level, day-by-day workouts are getting a bit longer and harder. Doing a cardio challenge will raise your heart rate, get your body used to being fast and build the foundation for further future gains.
2. Resistant bands

Resistance bands are probably the best inexpensive training tool you can get. No matter if you are a beginner or at an advanced fitness level, resistance band exercises will give your muscles a good challenge. One of the advantages of the bands is that you can make a massive muscle work out without putting pressure on the joints. Resistance bands come in multiple levels as light, medium or heavy. You can adjust the amount of resistance during exercise just by switching bands, or by combining multiple resistance bands to increase the challenge. Most of the resistance band kits come with suggested exercises for every major muscle group in your body, but you can find a lot of workout inspiration online, too.