Headache is a headache caused by an aneurysm that causes pressure in the soft tissues and nerves. It is usually between moderate and severe and the causes that lead to its occurrence vary, which can be psychological, physical, or pathological.
This problem affects all age groups, but some symptoms differ between adults and children, which may lead to a different diagnosis, especially for children who are unable to express.
What is a headache in children?
Headaches in children are generally common but not severe. Like adults, children can have different types of headaches, including migraines or stress headaches. Children can also suffer from chronic daily headaches.
In some cases, headaches in children are caused by an infection, high levels of stress or anxiety, or a minor head trauma. It is important to pay attention to your child’s headache symptoms and see a doctor if they worsen or occur frequently.
Causes of headaches in children
Headache complaints have existed since childhood and the reasons that lead to their occurrence have not been clarified. Therefore, the diagnosis revolves around a number of interviews with children to determine the type of headache and its origin, whether it is emotional, pathological, physical or genetic.
Out of every five children, one child gets a headache. Girls are three times more likely to have a headache than boys. There may be environmental or physical stimuli that affect the child, which cause him a headache, which may affect the child’s future performance, such as absenteeism from school, avoiding mixing with his friends and practicing various activities.
Generally, children get headaches due to:
- Changes in sleeping position or more or less sleep hours.
- Eating an unbalanced diet, lack of meals, or a headache that results from eating ice cream.
- As a result of a muscle spasm or physical activity.
- Lethargy and laziness.
A sinus infection or an ear infection.
- Increase your intake of caffeinated beverages, such as soft drinks.
- The emergence of primary teething that causes dental pain.
- Excessive thinking, anxiety, stress and fear attacks.
- Inhalation of harmful chemicals, such as carbon dioxide.
- Stress, fatigue, or stress.
- Vision problems.
- Hypertension.
- Very rarely, it is caused by high blood pressure inside the skull (brain tumor).
- A recent study showed that chewing gum too often can lead to headaches in teens.
So, the main reasons have their origin:
It is a headache caused by anxiety, tension or phobias that affects children and the cause of its occurrence varies from one child to another and is often caused by increased spasticity in the muscles of the shoulder and neck. Of course, this headache is not affected by hyperactivity and does not lead to nausea or vomiting.
It is a headache caused by a physical injury, which can be accidents that lead to concussion and bleeding in the brain, or physical violence such as beatings, this type of headache leads to nausea, vomiting and imbalance.
It is a headache that may have a pathological origin related to infection, such as a cold, influenza, ear infection, meningitis, or abscesses and strokes, which leads to dizziness, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and coma.
Types of headaches in children
Daily or chronic headache:
The name daily headache is often a migraine or tension headache that can last more than half a month on a daily basis.
The most common type of headache is migraine, which is often hereditary, has its origin in the front of the head and causes frequent attacks. The duration of the episode ranges from two to four hours. Clear.
The patient wants longer sleep hours and put him in a quiet and dark room. Otherwise, it could be caused by a cold, sinus infections, visual stress, or over-the-counter pain relievers.
Tension headache:
Headache is also considered the most common in children, as 50% of school students suffer from it. Pain may last for days between moderate and severe. The pain begins slowly and increases gradually. The child then feels distressed or as if he puts his helmet on his head.
It may have a home origin, such as exposure to beatings or fear, societal, such as exposure to bullying and phobias, or overuse of electronic devices.
Cluster headache:
Uncommon in children under 10 years of age, lasts between 15 minutes and 3 hours, occurs suddenly one to eight times a day, lasts for a long time up to weeks and months, causes pain and tingling on one side of the head; It has a burning sensation centered in the eye and around it, accompanied by watering, runny or nasal congestion.
Rebound headache:
A headache that originates from an overuse of medications that contain analgesics for pain relief that starts early and extends throughout the day. The appearance of pain varies from day to day.
When should I see a doctor?
Symptoms and causes of headache in children vary, some of them are simple and can be dealt with at home if they have a psychological origin by listening to children, and others are severe, accompanied by strong, non-portable and persistent symptoms accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting, inability to sleep at night, fever, loss of consciousness, paralysis and numbness.
- So it is important to receive emergency medical care when the headache:
- It appears suddenly and intensely.
- It is accompanied by neurological impairment: loss of balance, numbness, trouble seeing, slurred speech.
- It is accompanied by constant nausea and vomiting.
- Symptoms of fever or neck pain.